On August 12, 2014, the Fort Worth SWE section held a group discussion on the book Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook. Over dinner at the Olive Garden at Ridgmar Mall, five SWE members, spanning 3 generations and experience levels from new college graduate to 30 years, participated in a lively discussion of Women and Leadership using the Lean In Discussion Guide.
They had a variety of experiences growing up and talked about the support roles their mothers and fathers assumed. They shared their views of work/life balance, the expectations of the role of their life partner, and ambitions for their children.
Also discussed was the accessibility of leadership positions for women, the role mentors play, and whether the current landscape is different for women now than in the past. The discussion was insightful and all agreed that the author is passionate about the topic of giving women the opportunity for leadership positions.