Renew with Fort Worth SWE!

It’s not too late to renew your membership with Fort Worth SWE!

SWE members enjoy benefits like local section meetings, national conferences, and hundreds of hours of online learning, all designed to give women the knowledge and confidence necessary to navigate a modern work environment.

Belong to a group of women that support each other in the workplace and outside of it. Renew your membership with SWE by logging in to the Renewal Site and confirm your continued SWE membership:

  1. Login with your SWE credentials
  2. Select “Join/Renew My Membership” under the “My Profile Information” heading.
  3. Select “Professional RENEWAL.”

If you have questions or want to renew over the phone, please contact Camryn Wagner at SWE Headquarters. If you’ve moved and want to know your new section, contact Camryn for more information. If you choose not to renew, we’d like to know why! SWE wants to give its members the best experience possible and that means being aware of all possible improvements.

SWE could not exist without members like you. We appreciate your support and can’t wait to welcome you back to Fort Worth SWE!